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Jerry Yeo

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

It isn't the bucket either. One good news is that more people are now surviving cancer. The other good news is that life expectancy has increased from 75 to more than age 80. But hold that thought for a moment - it's only good news if one is financially prepared to survive such a critical challenge.

55% of people withdrew from their savings to fund treatment

Here's some insightful and interesting statistics about cancer survivers, driving home one point - we can even be wrong about being prepared.

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Understanding the cost relating to cancer care

It is important to think about the different types of costs related to your cancer care. This will help you decide what kind of budgeting, support, or financial assistance you may need.

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The effect of exercise on Cancer

Most people aren't aware of this, but we should.

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I hope you have enjoyed this issue of my InTouch newsletter. Do feel free to contact me if I can be of service to you and your friends
Jerry Yeo
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Irene Pow.Personal Assistant to CEO

I cannot stress enough the importance of getting your insurance coverage, especially the hospitalization and critical illness early detection coverage. I’m glad with the help of Jerry, my financial planner, who did all planning 8 years ago. Thanks to him. Now I’m able to rest and recover with a peace of mind, without having to stress and worry about the medical bills and finances. Thank you for being so supportive during this journey, 🙏🏻and thanks for the lovely flowers 💐🥰 #recoveringfromDCIS

Yeu King Kok and Family.Logistics Supervisor

Jerry Yeo是一位很专业,也很尽责的财务顾问,而且也拿过很多奖项,包括Financial Planner of the year 2019。 多年来,他根据我们家庭的需要及我们的收入来建议购买哪一些保险,才能让我们无后顾之忧在事业上打拼。 每一年,Jerry都会约我们出来见面或zoom,了解我们的近况。看看我们家庭的需要有没有改变,再来检讨看看我们所买的保险是否符合我们目前的需要。如,有了孩子之后,就需要为孩子买保险。如果收入增加,相对来说,保险也需要增加。那样,如果我们一旦无法工作而失去收入,才会有足够的保险来保障我们的家庭和日常需要。 每一年的佳节和生日,他都会寄生日卡和发祝福给我们。对我们来说,他更像我们的朋友,多过财务顾问。 如果你想要找一位专业,尽责,又像朋友的财务顾问,那你就一定要找Jerry Yeo!

CK.Director, Business Operations.US-Based MNC

I got to know Jerry when he did a seminar at my company on financial planning in 2012. I counted myself as rather financial-savvy and do my own investment - for both Value (Long-term) and CFD (short-term) trading in the SG and US markets. During the seminar, I can relate and understand what he shared with us, which builds credibility. But what impressed me the most is his passions for his work and his eagerness to share his knowledge with his clients. With that, I approached him after the seminar to help first manage my family's insurance portfolio (I have 3 wonderful kids) and later on wealth management. Over the years, when I am approached on the street by any prospective financial advisers, I am always very confident to tell them I already have a capable financial adviser (referring to Jerry). And when I am always being introduced to new financial products, I will check with Jerry, he is my "gatekeeper". I have full confidence and trust that Jerry will provide me with unbiased recommendations. Throughout the years, not only did Jerry help build up a robust insurance portfolio for my family, he also helped us with Will writing, mortgages and other financial matters. Jerry is our family's go-to-guy for any financial matters and I have total trust in him delivering his best for us. I have recommended Jerry to my extended family and my close friends. And I too would full-heartedly recommends him to any of you.

Bibi Ang.HR Executive

Jerry is one of the most trustworthy and professional FA I've met. He gives practical advices and isn't pushy for sales, this gives a comfortable atmosphere for discussion, knowing that we will not be pressurized to sign up for stuff I don't like or not interested in. He proactively engage with us as and when there are updates to ensure that our best interest is taken cared of, with the least possible impact on our pockets. Whenever Jerry approaches us with updates, we will listen because what he shares are important of important insights and may be industry wide related. I would highly recommend Jerry if you need an adviser who is well-versed and trustworthy. Drop him a note and he will will be glad to advice you.

Mr and Mrs Sundar.Senior Research Scientist

I met Mr Jerry in a sharing session organized by my company. He quickly impressed me by clearing my doubts and explaining the importance of financial planning. We are currently living in an unpredictable future, without proper financial planning it will be very difficult to overcome the financial burdens for ourselves and the family. Jerry helped me to understand some of the financial planning aspects, what to expect in unforeseen scenarios and how to overcome it. With his help and guidance, I felt secure with him in the financial planning for my family and future. He is down to earth person with the patience to listen all your queries. He is very passionate and competent in his work and he follows up regularly to know our current status. He is also caring, always thinking about the welfare of his customers and treats them as a friend and a well-wisher. He is part of our family and trustworthy in terms of financial advisor or planning. I always give a call to him whatever I have a doubt on financial matters. He helps me to clear the doubts and explain about them clearly. That led me share with my friends about the importance of financial planning and Jerry helped those I recommended be in better financial position as well. He is a go to person, I strongly recommend him to my friends as an expert and advisor for the financial planning for the family.

LIM Swee Luan.Finance Manager of a Japanese Chemical Manufacturing Company

I knew Jerry when he came to my company to do sharing on doing proper financial planning around 10 years ago. He demonstrated good knowledge and delivered convincing results. Thus, my family and myself continue to rely on his advice and guidance since then. Jerry’s competency is in finance and investment. I strongly think that he can help you in those areas. He is trustworthy and reliable.
